What are Technical Data Packages?
TDPs play a crucial role in defining the functional and physical attributes of accepted item configuration as well as subordinate parts, assemblies and subassemblies. TDP elements, types, levels and data management must be identified within specific standards such as Mil-Standard 31000B.
The purpose behind technical data packages is the provision of crucial information regarding the progression of operation, product support and acquisition objectives. They are created and obtained to give a maintenance planning foundation. They are also used for the development of strategies for supply support while establishing management requirements for configuration. They enhance training, product support and engineering and can be distributed in multiple media formats.

Why are Technical Data Packages Important?
TDPs are important because they come in multiple types, which make them versatile and applicable to multiple projects. These four types are commercial TDP, conceptual TDP, developmental TDP and product TDP:
- Commercial TDP: The commercial variant is geared towards end products which were developed by contractors before the awarding of a contract at their expense. Unless a government purchases the rights for CAD models or drawings, they will serve as a contractor’s proprietary design and engineering information items which are developed commercially, as well as those not developed with government expense.
- Conceptual TDP: Conceptual variants usually involve low fidelity based CAD, sketch collections or text which documents fundamental concepts regarding the manner in which items are developed for operational requirements.
- Developmental TDP: Developmental variants consist of data which is designed to document certain design approaches along with developmental prototype fabrication for experiments or tests. It is not designed for usage in competitive procurement for components.
- Product TDP: Product variants consist of data regarding product engineering which involve the manufacture and design. CAD models and drawings of the product will retain every piece of descriptive documentation which is necessary for ensuring competitive procurement for the end items or spare parts.Decision trees are also indispensable since they provide the process for choosing the property data type and item requirements which will appear in contracts.

When are Technical Data Packages needed?
Our product support manager always prioritizes technical data packages by identifying, validating, planning, implementing and resourcing management actions to develop and acquire the technical data which is needed for essential tasks, such as cataloging spare parts, supply classes and support equipment, and defining baseline system configuration to assist end users.

Why hire ReLogic Research for Technical Data Packages?
Our TDP acquisition success results from the proper selection of optimal models, drawings and lists. We promote efficient business practices and cost control through the careful selection of lists and models which are needed to support a given system for the duration of the life cycle.
For more information about our technical data packages, you can call us at 256-713-7401 or fill out this online form.
Purpose Of Technical Data Packages

Parts Service Or Repair

Parts Improvement